세계 국내 멋진 풍경

[스크랩] 정말 아름다운가을 -Yinka Oyelese -

기차니 2009. 10. 29. 17:57
가을 / Yinka Oyelese

Hello, and welcome to my site. I am Yinka Oyelese. 
I am 45 years old and  live in Highland Park, New Jersey.
I am a physician, specializing in the management of high risk pregnancies.
I am also a photographer and a musician.
I am a Christian, a believer in a caring, compassionate God, 
and in the beauty in His Creation. 
I also believe that God has put each of us here with a specific purpose, 
and that we all should make this world a better place.
I am blessed to be married to the most wonderful woman on earth, Patrice Jegou,
a mezzo soprano and ex-professional figure skater 
출처 : 따스한 햇살,수지야의 사랑방
글쓴이 : susyya 원글보기
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'세계 국내 멋진 풍경' 카테고리의 다른 글

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